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Kona Coffee - Great Tasting Coffee Beans
By Wayne Rasku

Some of the world's best coffee is grown in a small area of Hawaii know as Kona. It is highly regarded coffee among lovers of the best tasting brews, second only to Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.

Fair trade coffee has only recently come into the spotlight as the Go Green movement has become more popular. Fair trade coffee only makes up a small percentage of the coffee produced in the world.

Helping Yourself with a Hand Coffee Grinder
By Douglas Taylor

A true coffee connoisseur can know exactly how their coffee has been brewed through just one sip, whether it is really terrible, or brewed just right. Those that can tell exactly how their coffee was ground are considered the hardcore aficionados.

Decaf - Some Basic Information to Think About When Choosing Coffee
By Sveinung Skoglund
Decaf, or decaf coffee, is coffee that contains less caffeine than regular coffee. Caffeine was largely linked to heart diseases in the past, but results from studies that were released in 2005 revealed that drinking decaf coffee may actually increase the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.


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